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  • Which courses will transfer to the University of Miami?

    All academic coursework will be reviewed. Visit mates.miami.edu for information regarding the undergraduate transfer policy.

    Course credit will transfer, provided a grade of “C” or higher is achieved in the courses. However, courses will only count towards degree completion if equivalencies are granted. For a course to be evaluated for equivalency please submit your request to mates.miami.edu

  • Which courses/credits will not transfer?

    Any credits earned in physical education, technical as well as vocational courses, remedial or college preparatory work will not transfer. All other information regarding course equivalents may be found at mates.miami.edu

  • What is the University of Miami's policy on course repeats?

    We do not have a forgiveness policy for transfer coursework. All course grades are included on the UM academic transcript.

  • Can I retake a class in which I have achieved a grade of “C?”

    No, this is considered an illegal repeat. Moreover, an illegal repeat increases the number of credits you need to graduate.

  • Does the University of Miami grant credit through examination?

    Dual enrollment, AP, IB (Level H), and GCE (subject exams only) may earn credit. Minimum scores are required and are revised annually; credits earned will be available on your transcript. AP, IB, and GCE scores must be received by the end of your first semester. No credits will be awarded after your first semester.

    Official scores must be sent directly to the Office of Admission by the appropriate deadlines.

    UM, Office of Admissions, P.O. Box 249117,
    Coral Gables, FL 33124-9117,
    Attn: To Whom It May Concern for Transfer Credit Equivalencies.

  • What happens after I am accepted?

    You will see your transfer credits on CaneLink. If you have questions concerning how your transcript is evaluated, please contact the Office of Admission, Evaluation Department at admission@miami.edu. After submitting your tuition enrollment deposit, you will receive an email from your academic advisor who will help you to build an academic schedule. Your designated will remove your advising holds advisor to allow you to register for courses on CaneLink. If you require help navigating the CaneLink system, please refer to the tutorials here.

  • I have earned my A.A. degree. Does my grade point average automatically transfer?

    Effective fall 2013, University of Miami will not post your transfer G.P.A. When applying for graduate or professional school, they will require you to submit transcripts for each school attended.

  • Why haven’t my transfer courses been designated with a UM course number?

    All transfer coursework that does not earn an exact UM equivalency remains undesignated. Evaluations should be submitted through the mates.miami.edu

  • What if a class is not approved for my major? Can it count towards another requirement?

    All transfer courses with grades of “C” or higher count for graduation unless a course is remedial or physical education. If a course is not approved for your major, it will still count as an elective However, be advised, it is essential that you meet with your academic advisor to discuss a graduation plan to ensure your remaining coursework will still be eligible for financial aid

  • Can my parents / guardians access my file?

    No, your parents / guardians will not have access to your academic file unless you list them as delegates. Please be advised that your academic file is confidential as well as protected by the FERPA guidelines. To learn about FERPA, please click here. Also, refer to the tutorial here when adding a parent or guardian as a delegate.

  • Can I enroll for 18 credits during my first semester?

    No, your workload is between 15 to 16 credits during your first semester at the University. To ensure that you will have an easy transition to our school, your registration needs to reflect a manageable workload.

  • Do I follow the cognates or the general education requirements?

    For fall 2014, upperclassmen students, e.g., 60 credits or more, they follow the general education requirements, not cognates. If you have less than 59 credits of transfer work, then you complete cognates. Please click here to learn more about cognates. Of great importance, you are responsible for three cognates: Arts & Humanities, STEM, and People & Society. Be reminded that your majors and minors also overlap with cognates. Hence, pay close attention to the Areas of Knowledge chart when browsing at the site. Lastly, see your academic advisor about completing an individualized cognate if you are in sophomore standing, i.e., 30 to 59 credits.
